Monday, August 15, 2011

What Does Success Mean to YOU?

I think a lot when I drive... I mean A LOT!

It doesn't matter how short of a drive I have, for instance, this whole idea of "success" popped into my head while on a 7 minute drive to Walmart (of all places)!

(Maybe that's actually saying something!)

I don't know where it came from, or why... but all of a sudden I was contemplating MY idea of success.

What does success mean to me?

NOT what does it mean to my parents, or my friends, or society ('Cause I definitely know my idea of success is vastly different from society's)... but what does it really mean to me!?

All of a sudden, it came to me. I quickly found a scrap piece of paper and pen to write down my new found idea, as I struggled to continue driving at a normal pace.

My scribbles revieled:

"Success is: Being at peace with myself enough to truly follow my heart and be fully accepting of others."

And now I ask YOU:

What does success mean to you!?

Please send me your ideas of success! What is your definition of success? Let the world know how you define success!

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