
My name is Stephanie and I am an ENFP (The Inspirer).  If you don't know what that means, it's a personality type and you can take the test HERE to find out what you are.   I wanted to start a blog that caters to people like me... Dreamers. 

First, a little bit about me:
  • I am in my early 30's (Eesssh!)
  • I've lived in Michigan my whole adult life, except for those 2 blissfully sunny and warm years when I lived in Tampa, Florida.  Currently I live in Royal Oak, Michigan.
  • I changed my major 4 times and spent 5.5 years at Michigan State University... attempting to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up.
  • I found out my senior year of college that I have A.D.D. (thanks a lot)!  But I don't like to say that because I don't want people to judge me or think I'm using it as some excuse.  I actually debated about even admitting this, and erased it and then decided to add it back.  And as I rethink it, I don't think I should have to feel bad about something that I have actually come to really like about myself.  So there, just call me "A.D.D. girl".
  • I'm a horrible speller, yet I used to be a Language Arts teacher (and a damn good one at that!).
  • I have 10 nieces and nephews whom I absolutely adore!!!
  • I have been an artist all my life, but in the hopes of making a "living" and feeling "successful", I've dispairingly moonlighted as a Mortgage Broker, Sales Person, Cashier, Waitress, and Secretary (Yuck!).  But no more!  I'm sick of not doing what I love and feeling like the only way I will "make it" is by giving up on my dreams... so I've resolved to say "F*$% that!" and now I'm on a mission to make it happen... this blog is the tip of the iceberg!
  • I have my own Photography and Decor business called Hatch Boutique which I am putting all of my energy, heart and soul into!
  • I am extremely passionate, quite quirky, and can be sarcastic at times.  Just check out my Hatch Boutique Blog and you'll see what I mean!
  • I love Jelly Beans & Red Hots!
  • I feel like I'm pouring my heart out a little right now, and it's quite unnerving... so I'm going to stop.
Glad that's over with!  Alright...

So now that you know a tiny bit about me, it may be easier for you to understand where I'm coming from and why I feel the need to start this Revolution!  Because inspiration and encouragement are hard to find... especially when you're on the road less traveled and feel like you may be the only one out there fighting for your chance!

Make no mistake, it has been a very very tough road for me thus far (as you will inevitably read in the blogs to follow), and I am not anywhere near where I want to be... yet!  But I hope to find the continued strength I need from people who understand me... and I hope you can find that here too. 

I have always been very passionate about giving loads of encouragement and support to those who need it (this is why I loved teaching so much!).  I think sometimes those of us who are determined to clear our own paths are the ones who may need it the most... and we are the ones who understand that the best!  So I wanted to start a community of Dreamers who can help lift eachother up when we inevitably fall (considering we may have a habit of doing that quite frequently... or at least I do).

I truly believe you can do whatever your heart desires or be whatever you want to be! However, life has a way of making that extremely difficult for some of us (me included), so sometimes we need a reminder of the never-ending possibilities and our enormous potential! That's where this blog comes in: stay tuned for articles on encouragement, success stories, inspirational quotes, and heartfelt tales of other's going through what you are going through.

So to sum up: The Inspiration Revolution is a community of Dreamers here to support and encourage you to believe in yourself, follow your heart, do what you love, and never give up! Because happiness is what matters... and you deserve it! Join us won't you!?

Inspire. Encourage. Dream. Believe.

~ Stephanie