Monday, January 17, 2011

10 Ways to Keep a Positive Outlook!

Here is an article from Glo that will help you keep that positive outlook this New Year:

Pep Talk
By Alison Singh Gee

Need a few tricks to help you swap last year’s negativity for a brighter outlook? Gretchen Rubin, author of New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project — an account of the year she spent test-driving theories about how to be happier — shares her quick fixes for how to make over your mood … instantly.

1. Go Outside - Research suggests that sunlight stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning. And while you’re outside...

2. Walk It Out - Even a ten-minute brisk walk can give you a surge of energy and decrease your tension.

3. Act the Part - We think we act because of the way we feel, but often we feel because of the way we act. Trick yourself into feeling happier by smiling, singing and putting more energy into your voice.

4. Get Jammin' - Listening to your favorite song or hearing stimulating music gives you an instant lift.

5. Talk to an Energetic Pal - Not only do we gain energy from interacting with other people, we also — in what’s called “emotional contagion” — “catch” their emotions. Instead of infecting others with your draggy mood, catch the energy of a boisterous friend.

6. Tackle Your To-Dos - Just take one item — maybe you need to run a boring errand or make an unpleasant phone call — and you'll get a big rush once you cross it off your list.

7. Clean Up - For most people, outer order contributes to inner calm. If you feel overwhelmed and listless, try tidying up.

8. Jump! - Yes, jump up and down a few times. It's amazing how energizing it is. You do feel a little goofy, but that's part of what makes it fun.

9. Do Something Nice for Someone Else - Do good, feel good. It's the right way to behave, and it will really make you feel happier.

10. Look for Reasons to Be Grateful - People who feel grateful tend to be happier. Also, gratitude crowds out unpleasant feelings like anger and resentment.

Check out the full article HERE

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